These are just a few of the companies that we've worked with.
- Airline Hydraulics, Corporation
- AMP, Incorporated
- Armstrong World Industries
- BASF, Canada
- Berg Electronics
- Burle Industries
- Chamberlin Group, Inc.
- Dresser Industries
- Elastomeric Technologies
- Ford Electronics
- Freestech International, Ltd.
- Graco
- Gruenberg Oven
- Hershey Foods
- IBM Corporation, Canada and Italy
- Ivec Inc.
- Kraft Foods
- Lunair Inc.
- Maris Equipment Co.
- McGunkin and Pyle Inc.
- Molex Electronics
- Moore Business Forms
- Nissin Foods
- Overhead Door
- Schott Glass
- Stryker/Osteonics
- Thomson Consumer Electronics
- Topflight Corp.
- U.S. Mint
- Western Atlas Landis Division
- Y & S Candies
- York Barbell